Exec into the ECS Containers

Official News


  1. Install the Session Manager Plugin locally.

  2. Attach the following policy to the task's role, so the task can use SSM to create a secure channel to run "exec".

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Action": [
          "Resource": "*"
  3. Update the task definition to set containerDefinitions[].linuxParameters.initProcessEnabled to true.

      "containerDefinitions": [
          "linuxParameters": {
            "initProcessEnabled": true
  4. Update the service to...

    1. use the latest task definition; and

    2. enable "execute command".

    aws ecs update-service \
      --cluster <ECS_CLUSTER_NAME> \
      --service <ECS_SERVICE_NAME> \
      --task-definition <TASK_DEFINITION_NAME> \
      --enable-execute-command \
  5. Ensure "execute command" is ready.

     aws ecs describe-tasks \
       --cluster <ECS_CLUSTER_NAME> \
       --tasks <ECS_TASK_ID>
     # 1. Search for "enableExecuteCommand", the value should be `true`.
     # 2. Search for "ExecuteCommandAgent", the "lastStatus" should be `RUNNING`.
  6. Exec into the container.

    aws ecs execute-command \
      --cluster <ECS_CLUSTER_NAME> \
      --task <ECS_TASK_ID> \
      --container <ECS_CONTAINER_NAME> \
      --interactive \
      --command "/bin/sh"

Last updated